Provincial Parliament - Riding of Barrie-Innisfil
As the Member of Provincial Parliament for the riding of Barrie-Innisfil, I am pleased to extend my congratulations to The Greenland Group of Companies on the occasion of their 25th Anniversary.
Thank you for growing your business with a focus on making a minimal impact on the environment. The experience that you have gained already will prove invaluable to smarter, innovative developments.
I wish you continued success in delivering award-winning engineering and technologies as you serve communities across Canada.
Andrea Khanjin
Barrie-Innisfil MPP
City of Ottawa
On behalf of the City of Ottawa, we would like to thank Greenland International Consulting Limited, and in particular, Don Moss for his exemplary efforts in his role as Model Keeper for the City of Ottawa… Greenland has achieved a high level of confidence with Senior Staff and City Council as well Conservation authority and the Ontario Ministry of Environment… The City is appreciative of the new Modelling Tool developed by Greenland which will assist the City in conducting timely and efficient development reviews. The City will now be able to test proposed infrastructure with the overall development, determine changing impacts to existing infrastructure as ponds, as well as any changes to the receiving watercourses.
Don’s knowledge, dedication and professional approach over the past five years has been a crucial factor in the success of the project under very challenging circumstances.
Don Herweyer, MCIP, RPP
Program Manager
City of Ottawa
February 11, 2014
The Greenland Group (Greenland) was introduced to Communitech in 2013. This letter is to acknowledge the importance of this proactive joint venture and to indicate our strong interest in future project partnerships with Greenland and other network members.
Greenland is now supporting other joint initiatives with Communitech. These leading-edge information technology partners will include other private sector members with the Communitech network, as well as Ontario government agencies and First Nation communities. These projects are intended to develop commercialized products and services involving the Greenland Group and other Communitech partners and to enable new Canada-wide related collaborations.
Mark, if any your prospective clients or contacts have questions regarding our collaborative efforts to date, ongoing discussions and project leveraging capabilities, the Communitech team would be more than happy to help.
We look forward to our continued strong collaboration with Greenland.
Iain Klugman
February 19, 2015