Project Information Websites

The following are current websites for ongoing land development, environmental engineering and technology implementation projects:

Client Testimonials

Muskoka Watershed Council

The Muskoka Watershed Council’s mission is to champion watershed health in those watersheds that flow into and through the District Municipality of Muskoka. There is no conservation authority in Muskoka, instead the Council is a volunteer-based organization supported by the District of Muskoka, local consulting firms, and local Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry and Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change offices.

The Muskoka Watershed Council is currently undertaking a project to understand the potential impact of climate change in Muskoka to the year 2050. In working with our municipal partners, decision support tools such as Greenland’s new CANWET-5 model could be useful in informing our watershed management planning decisions in relation to policy development, stewardship priorities and education and communication programs. 

Peter Sale
Muskoka Watershed Council

November 17, 2014

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

In March of 2013, Greenland International Consulting Ltd. completed a study for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to estimate nutrient loading in small catchment of about 177 square kilometers in the La Salle River watershed in southern Manitoba using the CANWET 4 model. Given uncertainties in some input data and model parameters, the preliminary results using the CANWET 4 model for baseline conditions of stream discharge, nutrient concentrations and loads were satisfactory in our project team as simulated values were within the range of observed values during the validation period.

This study suggests the CANWET 4 modeling approach could be used to predict changes to nutrient loads from changing land use scenarios in watersheds of this region.

Jason Vanrobaeys
Senior Land Resource Specialist
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada



The Greenland Group (Greenland) was introduced to Communitech in 2013. This letter is to acknowledge the importance of this proactive joint venture and to indicate our strong interest in future project partnerships with Greenland and other network members.

Greenland is now supporting other joint initiatives with Communitech. These leading-edge information technology partners will include other private sector members with the Communitech network, as well as Ontario government agencies and First Nation communities. These projects are intended to develop commercialized products and services involving the Greenland Group and other Communitech partners and to enable new Canada-wide related collaborations.

Mark, if any your prospective clients or contacts have questions regarding our collaborative efforts to date, ongoing discussions and project leveraging capabilities, the Communitech team would be more than happy to help.

We look forward to our continued strong collaboration with Greenland.

Iain Klugman

February 19, 2015

Corporate Partnerships & Associations

Partnerships and Accreditations