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We would also welcome opportunities to further develop THREATS™ for specific client needs and with other teams that have complimentary information technology services.
Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority
The Authority’s mission is to provide leadership in the restoration and protection of the environmental health and quality of Lake Simcoe and its watershed with our community, municipal and other government partners. As a resource management agency, we rely on decision support tools such as Greenland’s CANWET model. It continues to play a key role in informing our watershed management planning decisions in relation to policy development, stewardship priorities and education and communication programs.
As always, I look forward to our continued working relationship with you and your colleagues. The Authority appreciates your hard work, and we are confident that this study will prove beneficial in our collaborative goal to improve the health of the Lake Simcoe watershed.
Michael Walters
Chief Administrative Officer
Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority
November 4, 2014
Corporation of the Town of Collingwood (Canada)
RE: Town of Collingwood - Master Stormwater Management Final Report
Your team did a great job conveying the output of your work to the Development Committee last night. I think the analysis was well understood by Members, and that there is confidence in the approach you have taken to the work. This topic is very important for Collingwood, and it is great to have this intelligent analysis from which to continue to leap forward.
Sonya G. Skinner, P. Eng.
Chief Administrative Officer
Corporation of the Town of Collingwood (Canada)
February 15, 2022
Six Nations Council
On behalf of the Environment Office of the Six Nations of the Grand River, we would like to thank Greenland International Consulting Limited for the work completed to prepare the Master Drainage and Flood Remediation Plan (MDFRP) for the McKenzie Creek watershed. This plan has now enabled our office to identify the flood prone residences throughout the watershed with the flood plain mapping that has been prepared as part of this assignement. We appreciate the role that Greenland has played in assisting our office in directing Public Works with prioritizing the remedial projects to be completed in the flood prone areas.
We also appreciate Greenland's effort in assisting the Six Nations of the Grand River with the preparation of funding applications to secure the resources to complete these remedial works. We are convinced that this MDFRP can be used as a template for completing similar drainage and flood remediation works both locally and in other First Nations lands.
We look forward to working with your company again in the near future on the remaining watersheds that need this important work done.
Thank you for your ongoing assistance.
Clynt King
Environmental Technician
Six Nations Council Environment Office
July 25, 2016