Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority
On behalf of the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority, we would like to thank you and your consulting firm for your technical capacity in completing the CANWET model with baseline conditions in our watershed.
I have worked closely with Greenland Consulting Engineers (Greenland) over the past two years as part of this project. We also value your staff’s ability to troubleshoot issues and respond on time. Greenland’s commitment, thoroughness, and professionalism have led to the success of this project with the addition of a new routine to the CANWET software.
It has been a great pleasure to work with Greenland and we look forward to using your expertise again in the near future.
Sobhalatha Kunjikutty, Ph.D, P.Eng.
Water Resources Engineer
Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority
February 19, 2015
Township of Essa
RE: Township of Essa Engineering Services
On behalf of the Township of Essa (Township), I would like to acknowledge Greenland for its exemplary services to complete the 2022 Community of Angus Infrastructure Master Plan (IMP) Class Environmental Assessment (EA). This legacy Township document developed municipal water and wastewater system models. These calibrated tools were then used by Greenland to develop a sustainable infrastructure planning framework for water and wastewater servicing expansion requirements within the Community of Angus. The project was completed “on-budget and on-time” and cognizant of environmental, technical and socio-economic constraints and opportunities affecting the Township of Essa.
We also appreciate your team’s expertise to provide subsequent model-keeper and development peer review support services. These important responsibilities and overseen by Township staff will help ensure new development approvals proceed in a manner which is consistent with the infrastructure management and expansion needs established by the completed IMP EA project.
Finally, we recognize the professional credentials and attention to detail involvement by your assigned team led by Mr. Josh Maitland, P. Eng.
We look forward to working with Greenland on other projects and serving as a professional reference.
Michael Mikael, P.Eng
Manager of Public Works/Deputy CAO
Township of Essa
October 18, 2023
Interdisciplinary Centre on Climate Change
We are pleased to write in full support of the Canada-Europe Partnership, particularly the collaboration of the Interdisciplinary Centre on Climate Change (IC3) and the
Partners for Action (P4A) network to support incorporation of climate change considerations in the project and assist in testing FLOODVIEW with Canadian municipalities and insurers.
P4A and IC3 are dedicated to consideration of climate change in Canada’s approach to flood risk management, and dissemination of knowledge and best practices to the insurance industry, government decision-makers, and the Canadian public. We look forward to partnering with you to identify effective solutions to minimize urban flooding.
Dr. Daniel Scott
Executive Director
Interdisciplinary Centre on Climate Change
Faculty of Environment University of Waterloo
October 20, 2015